Heike Eckert
Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Börse AG
Heike Eckert has been a member of the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG since 1 July 2020, responsible for the areas of Governance, People & Culture. In this capacity, she drives all governance, compliance, and people matters for over 15,000 Deutsche Börse Group colleagues in more than 55 countries. She also acts as director of labour relations for Deutsche Börse AG. Before her appointment to the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG, Heike spent 25 years in the derivatives industry and was instrumental in rolling out electronic trading in the US in the late 90s. After being responsible for business development for Eurex in the US for many years, she joined Eurex Clearing in 2010, where from 2013 onwards she served on the Executive Board as Chief Operating Officer and from 2016 as its Deputy CEO. Heike graduated from the University of Kiel, Germany, and holds a degree in economics with a major in econometrics. Besides her role at Deutsche Börse, Heike serves on the Supervisory Boards of European Energy Exchange AG, European Commodities Clearing AG (chairwoman) and Clearstream Banking S.A., the Shareholder Committee of ISS STOXX GmbH and is a member of the Advisory Board of Fraport AG.